Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday July 12th

Had a good day for a monday. Things actually weren't a complete mess at work, which is unbelievable after i was gone for 2 days. Jasper must have hurt his back again. He didn't want to go outside this morning, just laid in his cage and rolled over. Now tonight when Collen tried to play with him he yelped out loud. I hope he can heal without having to have cortizone again. I've learned that having a teenage son who is responsible and able to drive is a wonderful thing! I gave Nathanael my debit card and a grocery list and he went to the store for me today. It is funny the things he buys compared to what I would buy. But he is being a frugal shopper. That is one way we have saved money these last few weeks, is I'm not buying so much food to make the boys lunches for school. I just wonder how the two of them will like their new schools food. Guess only time will tell. I worked some on the cross stitch quilt tonight for my grandma. I am hoping to get it done for her for Christmas. That is one less thing I will have to buy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday July 11th 2010

I have been away for a long time. Decided this morning while I was taking a nice hot bath that it was time to start writing again. This summer has been a hot one and too short! The boys will be going back to school in a month, 4 short weeks. Nathanael has been practicing soccer 3 days aweek for several weeks now and starting tomorrow it will be 4 days with 2 adays. They run in the morning and practice in the evening. Part of this is to get them ready for a tournament in Ohio at the end of this month. Collen had soccer camp this last week and had fun as usual. The highlight of the camp was when the president of the local club wanted him to come play with them this spring. I need to email her. Collen is not to gungho about playing for them. When he played several years ago it left a nasty taste in his mouth. As for me and my journey, I completed a twin size afghan for Collen this month and I am now working on a cross stitch quilt for my grandma hopefully for a christmas present. I cleaned yesterday and the house looks so nice. Today is the final game for the world cup. I am hoping we get to watch it. Nathanael wants to go to Kokomo beach today, but he is still in bed. We'll see how that goes.